Breezy Acres
Map and Directions
If you'd like to spend some time at Breezy Acres, please check out our Cabins
page where you can pick your dates and make a reservation.
To find us, first step is to see where we're located on
Google Maps. The marker on the map is about where our big sign is, a
small version of which you see upper left.
Note that addresses are pretty bizarre around here. Our's, technically, is 456 Blue
Star Highway (and that's what's on the sign), but it won't map on Google.
So, if you're punching it into Google or your GPS, use 2990 Blue Star
Highway, 49406. That'll put the marker almost in front of the big Breezy
Acres sign.
Once you know about where we're at, use the map to the right to zero
in on us, then the one below to see where your cabin and parking spot are.
Note the flashing yellow light at Blue Star and Wiley. It makes it pretty easy
to find us.
Breezy Acres map, cabin and parking locations.
Larger Map.
So, if you're heading to Cute Cabin or Pear Blossom Cabin, you want to turn in at
the north drive, just south of the flashing yellow light, maybe 80 feet or so.
For Little Gem or Corsair Cabin, turn into the drive immediately south of the
Breezy Acres sign.
Last updated March 23, 2022
Email (site issues only please):
mechanique at wmol dot com